CFO + HR Roundtable

More than 70 high-growth finance, human resource and legal executives came together for JMI’s 2023 HR & CFO Roundtable in San Diego last week. For the first time, the event combined leaders across People, Finance, and Legal, acknowledging the importance of their partnership in guiding high-growth software businesses to sustained rapid, predictable, and profitable growth.
The core theme of this year’s event was driving a high-performance organization. Industry experts and portfolio company speakers focused the group on how to unlock the full potential of the most important assets in any software company: its people. Sessions included presentations, panel discussions, and collaboration on relevant topics in the current market environment, such as goal setting and performance measurement, optimizing hybrid and remote work environments, and addressing employee burnout by creating a culture of belonging.
The opening keynote by Dave Wessinger, Co-Founder and CEO of PointClickCare (PCC), a JMI portfolio company for over 12 years, was a highlight of the event. Dave shared PCC’s journey from startup to market leader. Importantly, he spoke about the evolution of the Company’s culture of performance and how employees are motivated by having clarity of purpose, clear and timely decision-making, as well as the tools to do their best work and drive success for both themselves and the Company, every day. Building a performance culture is a journey that requires focus, is never complete, and is best exemplified through the actions of the CEO and all leaders of people.
Thank you to all our attendees, especially our keynote speakers, portfolio company presenters and panelists, and our JMI Operating Advisors who hosted the event. We are proud of the quality and strength of the JMI network of portfolio company executives and their willingness to learn from and support one another in addressing business challenges.
We look forward to JMI’s next executive roundtable in July (Baltimore), which will bring together Product, Technology and Security leaders.